

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

the worst day ever. hopefully. :(

yesterday night i burn mid night oil just to do my math because 'm having math test today. but end the end? i screw everything up. i forgotten what i did yesterday night. i was totally blank when i look back the works i did yesterday. i know i going to screw this up and its not surprise that i did. sigh. the worst paper i did. second semester really suck or is just the lecturer suck or i suck? no comment. all i know is i flunk the bloody paper. 'm sorry for my language. once a while. (: bitches around make my day worst. haha! but they are none of my business anymore. get their own my life and i have my own life to go on with. classes end early but 'm home late. was around college, sitting and chilling and talking. thanks for making me feel better. (: i know the road of life ain't easy but 'm just a normal human being. i will get tired too. i need some time to recharge my battery. i think my battery is running real low. and i can hear the alarm ringing. sigh. *hand up* any break for me? i would like to have some break, sitting and chilling around the beach. hmm. nice one. i will wait till december. my pangkor trip! here i come, beach! whee!

alright. my day ain't that bad since the moment i bought my domo home! yes! finally. i was dreaming and thinking to buy one and i finally get to do it. (: it makes me feel better. now 'm hugging domo and writting.

i have my own domo! (:

aite. this is all about my bad day. and! i did lots of crazzie stuff today. seem like its not the worst day ever. at least i get to do what i usually don't do. (: and today, i know how much i been pretending to be alright. now i clearly know myself and what i have been going through. this life might not be good but i think i will continue it. what to do? 'm used to it. oh no! glambert is on thursday and 'm not going. no free passes for me. sad. >.< nevermind. its alright. stay at home and be a good girl. muahahahahahahahahahahhaha. xp

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